Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int The id of the Conversion Profile
partnerId int
status KalturaConversionProfileStatus V
type KalturaConversionProfileType V
name string V The name of the Conversion Profile
systemName string V System name of the Conversion Profile
tags string V Comma separated tags
description string V The description of the Conversion Profile
defaultEntryId string V ID of the default entry to be used for template data
createdAt int Creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
flavorParamsIds string V List of included flavor ids (comma separated)
isDefault KalturaNullableBoolean V Indicates that this conversion profile is system default
isPartnerDefault bool Indicates that this conversion profile is partner default
cropDimensions KalturaCropDimensions V Cropping dimensions
clipStart int V Clipping start position (in miliseconds)
clipDuration int V Clipping duration (in miliseconds)
xslTransformation string V XSL to transform ingestion MRSS XML
storageProfileId int V ID of default storage profile to be used for linked net-storage file syncs
mediaParserType KalturaMediaParserType V Media parser type to be used for extract media
calculateComplexity KalturaNullableBoolean V Should calculate file conversion complexity
collectionTags string V Defines the tags that should be used to define 'collective'/group/multi-flavor processing, like 'mbr' or 'ism'
conditionalProfiles string V JSON string with array of "condition,profile-id" pairs.
detectGOP int V When set, the ExtractMedia job should detect the source file GOP using this value as the max calculated period
mediaInfoXslTransformation string V XSL to transform ingestion Media Info XML
defaultReplacementOptions KalturaEntryReplacementOptions V Default replacement options to be applied to entries
defaultAudioLang KalturaLanguage V