Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
id int Auto generated unique id
createdAt int Entry distribution creation date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
updatedAt int Entry distribution last update date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
submittedAt int Entry distribution submission date as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
entryId string V
partnerId int
distributionProfileId int V
status KalturaEntryDistributionStatus
sunStatus KalturaEntryDistributionSunStatus
dirtyStatus KalturaEntryDistributionFlag
thumbAssetIds string V Comma separated thumbnail asset ids
flavorAssetIds string V Comma separated flavor asset ids
assetIds string V Comma separated asset ids
sunrise int V Entry distribution publish time as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
sunset int V Entry distribution un-publish time as Unix timestamp (In seconds)
remoteId string The id as returned from the distributed destination
plays int The plays as retrieved from the remote destination reports
views int The views as retrieved from the remote destination reports
validationErrors array of KalturaDistributionValidationError V
errorType KalturaBatchJobErrorTypes
errorNumber int
errorDescription string
hasSubmitResultsLog KalturaNullableBoolean
hasSubmitSentDataLog KalturaNullableBoolean
hasUpdateResultsLog KalturaNullableBoolean
hasUpdateSentDataLog KalturaNullableBoolean
hasDeleteResultsLog KalturaNullableBoolean
hasDeleteSentDataLog KalturaNullableBoolean