Kaltura API

KalturaObjectBase Inherited from KalturaObjectBase
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
relatedObjects map of KalturaListResponse
Inherited from KalturaJobData
KalturaStorageJobData Inherited from KalturaStorageJobData
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
serverUrl string V
serverUsername string V
serverPassword string V
serverPrivateKey string V
serverPublicKey string V
serverPassPhrase string V
ftpPassiveMode bool V
srcFileSyncLocalPath string V
srcFileEncryptionKey string V
srcFileSyncId string V
destFileSyncStoredPath string V
Inherited from KalturaStorageDeleteJobData
Name Type Writable Restrictions Description
contentMoid string V Unique Kontiki MOID for the content uploaded to Kontiki
serviceToken string V