Kaltura API

Service Name reach_entryvendortask
Description Entry Vendor Task Service
Name Description
abort Cancel entry task. will only occur for task in PENDING or PENDING_MODERATION status
add Allows you to add a entry vendor task
approve Approve entry vendor task for execution.
exportToCsv add batch job that sends an email with a link to download an updated CSV that contains list of users
extendAccessKey Extend access key in case the existing one has expired.
get Retrieve specific entry vendor task by id
getJobs get KalturaEntryVendorTask objects for specific vendor partner
list List KalturaEntryVendorTask objects
reject Reject entry vendor task for execution.
serveCsv Will serve a requested csv
update Update entry vendor task. Only the properties that were set will be updated.
updateJob Update entry vendor task. Only the properties that were set will be updated.